Classic Alaska Charters
Things to Do

Wilderness saltwater-freshwater fishing, crabbing n shrimping, and, cruising-wildlife photo adventures for your friends, business group, or family of 4-6 persons. Outstanding overnight 5 day, 4 night private charters away from the crowds. Awesome saltwater fishing for Halibut, Salmon, Ling Cod, Yelloweye, and Rockfish, combined with unmatched freshwater fly and spin fishing for Salmon, Trout and Steelhead. Crabbing and shrimping too! Incredible cuisine by our on board Chef.
More Information
Service: Captain and Chef services included.
Hours: Trips start Mon 8:00 am ends Fri 4:00 pm
Availability: Season is May 15th-Oct 30th
P.O. Box 6117
Ketchikan, AK 99901